A screenhouse is being constructed to store and protect the Foundation Plant Services (FPS) grapevine collection — a crucial resource in the U.S. grape industry.
The UC Davis Wolfskill Experimental Orchards is a valuable research resource utilized by the Department of Plant Sciences for plant breeding, germplasm evaluation, and horticultural and physiological studies. To support the research orchard, a new irrigation well is being constructed to replace an aging well and provide a reliable water supply for the site.
To meet campus growth projections and improve the resiliency of the campus water supply, a new domestic water treatment plant will be constructed to treat surface water from Lake Berryessa.
In support of our university’s longstanding commitment to addressing today’s most pressing challenges in agriculture and environmental sustainability, the Resnick Center for Agricultural Innovation will house classrooms, research and lab spaces, as well as student career and advising assistance.
This College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) project brings multiple, high-tech greenhouses to UC Davis, where faculty and students are conducting innovative research to keep plants plentiful, nutritious and resilient.
UC Davis is already home to the largest public installation of a controlled environment facility in the nation. In fall 2019, we will further secure our research excellence in this area when this expansion is complete.
To facilitate the Orchard Park Housing Redevelopment, a part of the most ambitious housing expansion the university has undertaken, UC Davis is upsizing and improving infrastructure in and around Orchard Park district.