blue emergency call box in the Arboretum near Mrak Hall.

Progress on Security Investments

Progress on Security Investments

Ensuring the safety of people on campus is a major, longstanding priority at UC Davis, one that requires continual innovation and investment. The university is investing $7.1M toward security infrastructure work scheduled be completed in 2024 and 2025 — this represents about a third of the overall $20M spend taking place on these projects through 2029. The first projects include new and upgraded lighting, emergency call boxes, outdoor security cameras, and additional AggieAccess security resources. 

Track the progress of these projects and find details on when and where they're taking place below.

security camera on campus.

Outdoor Security Cameras

11 new outdoors security cameras are being installed, including some overlooking Egghead locations and at locations La Rue Road, Hutchison Drive and Old Davis Road.

Security Camera Progress

"Eye on Mrak," north of Mrak HallInstalled5/2024
"See No Evil, Hear No Evil," Mrak Hall CircleInstalled5/2024
"Stargazer," North HallConstruction8/2025
Garrod Drive at Environmental Services LaneConstruction8/2025
Garrod Drive at La Rue RoadConstruction8/2025
Hutchison Drive Roundabout at West VillageConstruction8/2025
Hutchison Drive at Health Sciences DriveConstruction8/2025
La Rue Road at Hutchison DriveConstruction8/2025
La Rue Road at Segundo Services AdministrationConstruction8/2025
Old Davis Road at Hutchison DriveConstruction8/2025
South Gate at Old Davis RoadConstruction8/2025
detail of an emergency call box that says "push for help" next to a large red button.

Emergency Call Boxes

7 new call boxes are being installed, including along bikeways and near Veterinary Medicine buildings.

Emergency Call Box Progress

Sprocket BikewayConstruction8/2025
Soccer Bikeway at Mann LabConstruction8/2025
Physical Sciences Mall near the Silo SouthConstruction8/2025
Hutchison Drive at Bioletti WayConstruction8/2025
Dairy Road at Dairy BikewayConstruction8/2025
Pritchard Veterinary Medicine Teaching HospitalConstruction8/2025
Tupper HallConstruction8/2025
Students walking on campus at night with lights illuminating them.

Lighting Improvements

Outdoor lighting upgrades will be focused on seven key areas, covering roughly one mile of pedestrian pathways, as identified in lighting walks and by academic departments and the committee.

Outdoor Lighting Progress

Cushing Way from Hutchison Drive to Lot 6Design12/2025
Olson Hall Bike Parking and East Quad BikewayDesign12/2025
Peter J Shields Avenue from California Avenue to A StreetDesign12/2025
South Core Campus Neighborhood near the Art Building, Music Building, Wright Hall walkways and the plaza between School of Education and Olson HallDesign12/2025
Hutchison Drive from Bioletti Way to the Teaching & Learning ComplexDesign12/2025
Lot 25 South Pedestrian Pathway along Dobbins Field and the Aggie Soccer FieldDesign12/2025
Sprocket Bikeway from California Avenue to the Housing Admin Building roundaboutDesign12/2025
Phone with aggie access on the screen being held up to a reader on campus.


AggieAccess credential readers and growing network of related security features including alarm systems and cameras will be installed in three buildings Veihmeyer Hall, Mrak Hall and the Music Building. When complete, project managers will have the data needed to better estimate costs and timelines for expanding the system.

AggieAccess Progress

Design Status
Construction Status
Briggs Hall                                               100% complete BiddingFall 2025
California Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Giedt Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Khaira (Science Lab) Lecture Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Kleiber Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Mrak Hall100% complete65% completeSpring 2025
Music Building95% complete0% completeSummer 2025
Olsen Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Rock Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Social Science & Humanities30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Veihmeyer Hall100% complete 90% completeSpring 2025
Walker Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
Wellman Hall30% complete0% completeSummer 2026
collage of security features on campus: an outdoor light, a blue light emergency call box, and a phone screen with aggie access.

UC Davis Invests in Additional Security Improvements

Learn more about the $20 million campus investment made toward improving campus security in the next five years

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