
Sealing the Deals: UC Davis’ Real Estate Services Team Makes Space Happen

To continue to excel as a top university, leading research institute, and world-class health system, UC Davis requires diverse spaces—residences for students, laboratories for researchers, and facilities for patient care. Making these spaces a reality—on time and in the right locations—requires expertise, strategy, and negotiation. That’s where Design and Construction Management’s Real Estate Services team comes in.

Chemistry Building addition opens doors to new labs and opportunities

Almost three years after breaking ground, the Chemistry Building’s new addition opened its doors at the beginning of September — just in time for fall quarter. This expansion and renovation of the building marks an exciting step forward for the Department of Chemistry, equipping it with modern, multidisciplinary and collaborative lab and work spaces to facilitate cutting-edge research and valuable experiences for students.

UC Regents Approve New Student Housing at UC Davis

UC Davis will break ground on a new residence hall next spring in the Segundo area, following approval this week by the UC Board of Regents. The $100 million project aims to address the growing demand for on-campus housing and commitments the campus has made with the city of Davis.

Past, Present and Future of On-Campus Housing

The opening of Orchard Park marks the latest in a series of impactful collaborations between DCM, SHDS, and CPES to expand student housing while prioritizing sustainability, and taking advantage of evolving construction methodology.

Building Excellence

In the past two decades, philanthropic support has played a vital role in funding the construction of state-of-the-art facilities that support UC Davis’ objectives, including providing students with a world-class education and supporting impactful cutting-edge research.

Your House on Campus

Just for the fun of it, we wondered what would it take to renovate your house into a campus facility? Let’s suppose this facility is located on campus and you request that we renovate the living room into a classroom, the kitchen into a lab, and the bedroom into an office. Let’s take a walk through your house to see what we will need to do.

Why Does It Cost So Much?

UC Davis Design and Construction management provides increasingly complex facilities under shortening timelines and proliferating code and regulatory requirements. Underpinning our efforts to meet these challenges, we continue to hear the same question echoed by our governing boards, administration and customers: “Why does is cost so much?"