Image of the UC Davis International Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) that relate to our most used services. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to email us


  • What services does DCM provide?
  • Design and Construction Management provides services for the development of new and the renovation of existing university buildings and campus infrastructure; the acquisition and transactional management of real estate in the Davis, Sacramento and across the State of California; the management of owned and leased space occupied by all units across the university; and assistance with the procurement of furniture and equipment, both within capital projects, and by individual units. 

    Our project management teams provide preliminary planning, design, bidding, construction administration, inspection and review of capital projects. We also work with the Campus Fire Marshal (Safety Services) to review and approve final occupancy on all projects. Additional information regarding the services provided by each DCM operating unit may be found here.


  • Why does DCM use DocuSign documents?
  • We want to provide an efficient experience for all of our customers — less paper, less time, more flexibility and more security. This alternative to a fillable Adobe form allows for electronic routing so that printing, wet signing, scanning and email steps can all be replaced with one self-contained software.
  • Are DocuSign’s electronic signatures legally binding?
  • DocuSign eSignatures are valid and legally binding across the globe and in use in 188 countries around the world. DocuSign offers industry-leading levels of E-signature enforceability and helps users to comply with many international laws and statutes.
  • Are DocuSign’s electronic signatures secure?
  • DocuSign E-signatures offer bank-grade security and operations. Each electronic signature is unique, documentable, encrypted and tamper-evident. DocuSign also guarantees the confidentiality of all transactions and provides multi-faceted verification of signing events.
  • I am new to using DocuSign, where can I find step by step instructions on how to sign using DocuSign?
  • You can find more information regarding signing with DocuSign in the DocuSign section of our User Guides page.

Furniture Services

  • How do I get help from DCM in selecting my furniture, before I submit a Furniture Needs Request form?
  • Furniture ordering and assistance requests are initiated through the DCM website. Navigate to the right of the project initiation page to select, initiate and sign a Furniture Services Request form. Your request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit the Furniture Services Request form, but the leadership within your unit must be in support of your concept. If you have further questions about furniture or completing the Furniture Services Request form, please contact Furniture Services at
  • How do I order new office furniture?
  • Please visit the Furniture Services section of the DCM website to view the various options for ordering furniture. If your request includes seating, small accessories, or large quantity furniture ordering/planning please complete and submit a Furniture Request form. To submit, navigate to the right of the page to select, initiate and sign a Furniture Request form. Your request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit the Furniture Request form, but the leadership within your unit must be in support of your concept. If you have further questions about furniture or completing the Furniture Services Request form, please contact Furniture Services at If you have further questions about furniture or completing the Furniture Services Request form, please contact Furniture Services at

Project Initiation

  • How do I initiate a new project or space request?
  • Project requests are initiated through the DCM website. Navigate to the right of the page to select and complete a Space and Project Needs Request (SPNR) DocuSign form. Attach any relevant support documentation. Your project or space request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit the SPNR, but the leadership within your unit must be in support of your concept. Once the form is complete it will be sent to the assigned leader for a signature. The DCM team member will assist you with the next steps. If you have problems or questions please email
  • How do I get help from DCM in developing my project before I submit a Space and Project Needs Request (SPNR) Form?
  • Your project request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit a SPNR. If you do not have enough information to complete the SPNR, but the leadership within your unit is in support of your request, complete as much of the SPNR as you are able, have leadership sign, then send your request will be sent to DCM will assist you, at no additional cost, throughout the preliminary initiation process.

Real Estate Services

  • How do I request additional off-campus space?
  • Off-campus real estate leases are initiated through the DCM website. Navigate to the right of the page to select and complete a Space and Project Needs Request (SPNR) DocuSign form. Attach any relevant support documentation. Your project or space request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit the SPNR, but the leadership within your unit must be in support of your concept. Once the form is complete it will be sent to the assigned leader for a signature. The DCM team member will assist you with the next steps. If you have problems or questions please email
  • If I see a space I would like to lease, do I need to contact Real Estate Services or can I just lease the space through my department?
  • All agreements for the leasing of non-university space related to units on both the Davis and Sacramento campuses are managed by Real Estate Services (RES). Off-campus real estate leases are initiated through the DCM website. Navigate to the right of the page to select and complete a Space and Project Needs Request (SPNR) DocuSign form. Attach any relevant support documentation. Your project or space request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit the SPNR, but the leadership within your unit must be in support of your concept. Once the form is complete it will be sent to the assigned leader for a signature. The DCM team member will assist you with the next steps. If you have problems or questions please email

Space Management

  • How do I request additional on-campus space?
  • Space requests are initiated through the DCM website. Navigate to the right of the page to select and complete a Space and Project Needs Request (SPNR) DocuSign form. Attach any relevant support documentation. Your project or space request does not need to be fully developed in order to submit the SPNR, but the leadership within your unit must be in support of your concept. Once the form is complete it will be sent to the assigned leader for a signature. The Space team member will assist you with the next steps. If you have problems or questions please email
  • Can I get a map or floor plan of my building?
  • Floor plans can be viewed and downloaded from the FacilitiesLink database. You may request access to the database here, or ask your departmental space coordinator for assistance. If you are unsure of who your departmental space coordinator is, please email us at